Wednesday 28 May 2008

-we beLong toGether-


i haven't updated this blog in a long whilee... sorry peopLe...;).. my laptop just went and diEd on meeh... *stRessed*... but now its gud as new again... ;)... and i do hope to post more to keeP you entertained.. ahhahaha...
nwayss.... i've oNly just reaLized that the epIk higH viD wasn't the onE i intended to upLoad... that was my mistake *my bad*... the orIginal MV is diffErent... i will attempt to correct it once i've foUnd the vid...
i see that theRe are manY newcoMers to the site.. sooo here I am greeTIng you with a new vid for today... its biG banG's we beLong togEther... hehehee... a pretty laid back soNg... perfecT for me..
my faV is tOp of aLl the biG banG-eRs... hahahaha.. perhapS because he's the easIest to idenTify.. ahahhaa.. but i thiNk i likE deM all.... i've seen theM siNg live... and yes... tHEy rap and siNg soULfully.... alTho yOu haVe to paRdon theiR engRIsh suMtimes... ;)... altHo manY peoPle say tOp looks like kanGin of Suju... i peRsonaLly do Not wanT to thInk so... ahhahahaa... *alTho i can't deNy the reSembLence*... i lIke Top mUch22 moRe thaN kanGin....(sUju's fanS are gonNa kiLl me)... but i thiNk daT kanGin's reaLly a shOw off-sie.. huhu....

big baNg is V.I.P

okay peOple... i've really gotta continue with my liT reView.. hehehe.. i have't done much for the last few dayss... nwayss... enJoY! next on my plaYlist... LaLaLa... ;)

t.O.P 진짜 귀엽다!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ .....

여러분... 안녕하세요!!....

오늘을 잠 어때요?

저, 괜찮아요.... biG bang 짱 아니야??

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.... ;)

Saturday 10 May 2008


soNg of the daY...
hehehehe.. epIk hiGh's faN!!!
huuhuhuhh... i saw a viD that suM biG leE seUng gi faN maDe juSt to gEt ovEr him usIng thiS soNg and i fEll coMpletelY in lOve.... hehehehhe...
n whEn i fInd my mInd dRiftiNg off to sPace whEn i'm reAding my coUntLess jOuRnaLs... thIs is jUSt the sOng fOr mE!
tHe lyRIcs aRe quIte meaNIngfuL buT siNce i duNt waNt to bREach anY coPyRightS by shaRing the sUbBed viD thaT i fOUnd... i'd shaRe thE oRi mV insTead... huuhuhh... taBLo caN R.A.P!!! hahahahhaa..
n loOkeD toTaLLy diFfeRent fRom the dORkY loOk in nOn-sTop5... huhuuhuh...

EpIk hiGh - faN

Oh! (Even if I can't have you)

Even if it’s only in my mind(Even if I can't touch you)

Even if it’s only a meaningless dream(Even if I can't talk to you)

Even if I hide and watch from far away(You know I do)

I love you(Even if you don't know who I am)

Oh baby don't you know, you don't even know my name

I spend my sleepless nights gazing at you

Oh so beautiful, your solo picture clutched in my hand

The heartbreak of my crazy love buried in the cheers of the world

You’re not even listening, you wouldn’t even know if I died

Even in your next life you will live without knowing who I am

I want you so bad and it’s too late to turn back

Even tonight I want to kiss you so I clutch my pillow tight

Today is our first meeting right?

Only you have this sort of dialogue

Again today I talk to your retreating figure

It’s always the same thing but still I give a nervous hello

Even though the whole world’s stops listening, I only need you to hear me

The further you are the hardened my heart becomes, please listen to me

Farther, and farther, fortune works wherever

Will I be able to see you? (Tell me)

Oh! (Even if I can't have you)

Even if it’s only in my mind(Even if I can't touch you)

Even if it’s only a meaningless dream(Even if I can't talk to you)

Even if I hide and watch from far away(You know I do)

I love you(Even if you don't know who I am)

Darling, why are you not smiling today?

It would be nice if it was not a big problem

I couldn’t look at your face filled with anxiety

It would be better if I was in pain but the impossibility of that brings regret

Hold me, the one who could respond to your question of “how are you?”

Can’t come close, can’t touch, you’re the one I can’t hold

I’m going to go meet you tonight in my dreams

Even if in my dreams everyone ridicules my love

Even though everyone says I am crazy and the entire world disappears

Babe you belong to me, but why are the worthless multitudes talking you away?

No, there is no way.

I’ll make you see only me

I’ll give you everything,

I’ll make your lips meet mine,

I’ll go get the world and give it to you

I’ll make it so you can never leave me,

I’ll keep you in my sunken heart

You are My star, I’m your no.1 fan

Baby please, take my hand

Boys and Girls in a crazy love say oh! oh! oh!

Boys and Girls in a stupid love say oh! oh! oh!

Boys and Girls in a meaningless love say oh! oh! oh!

Boys and Girls in a love like mine say oh! oh! oh!

(tHe vIoLin paRt juSt dRIves mE cRAzy!!)

Monday 5 May 2008

-fLoWeR pOt-

its moNday and its the baNk hoLidays heRe in d uk...
i've bEen feEling a liTtLe ouT of it foR a few daYs bUt i dUn knOw why... nwAys.... I waTcheD paTrick damPsEys movie 'maDe of HonOuR' toDay anD can't hElp but pOnder uPon oUr choIces in liFe.... (or maYbe miNe)... ahahhaha... not thAt im in Love wiTh my bEstfrieNd or aNytHing...

moRe or leSs... i aM juSt cuRIous abOut the vaSt maJoRity.. or anYone reaLly... abOut theIr cHoicEs whEn it coMes to diLleMmaS as suCh...

iF u feLl in lOve wiTh ur beStfRIend... aNd he/She waS aBout to gEt maRrIed... do yOu riSk it aLl anD fiGht foR the pErsOn u loVe?? or do yOu inSteAd... leT hIm/hEr gO aNd sILenTly wiSHes tHem a bLisSfuL liFe??

if iT was anOthEr caSe...

iF uR beStfRiend feLl in love wiTh thE gUy uR in loVe wiTh... thEn.. woULd yoU pUt uR frIEndshIp to tHe teSt?? oR woUld yOu gIve up oN d oNe yOu loVe??

wOulD you havE doNe thiNGs diFfeRenTly fRom thE obVioUs chOices??

wHo woUld yOu giVe yoUr prIoriTy to??

huuhuhuh... guEss i've beEn thiNking too muCh!!! nWaYs.. hEre's a vId as an oDe to aLex anD shIn-Ae whO aRe bOth leAving the 'We Got maRrIed' proGraMmE... a loVely soNg caLled fLowEr pOt (vId coURteSy of cOolSmuRf)..;)

wOulD yOu be a fLoWer pOt jUst so U cuD be wiTh the oNe yOu loVe??

NwAys.... thiS epiSode is a liTtle sAd siNce we gEt to see tHe lAst bIT of sHinHwa befOre theY leaVe foR the aRmy... i'lL sUrely be bOred wiThoUt them... *aRghhhh*...

moRe thAn anYthiNg.. iM feEling a lIttLe hoMesIck siNce boTh my paRentS bIrthDay aRe coMing sOon.... *soB*....

mum... dad.... im miSsIng yOu boTh liKe cRazy oVer heRe... *i luV u boTh*... diD i teLl yOu thAt??;)