Saturday 19 April 2008

-LiKe a cHiLd-

its fRIday niGht and i'm feElinG reAlly bored! it's not even 1 am in the mORn!... beIng a laTe-niGHteR theSe lasT few dAYs, it is reAlly early for me to go to bEd!..;P

anD... since my date with yoUtuBE endEd reGretfULLy early toNiTe.. i deCIded to puBlish another post to shAre my laTest craZe!

its a kORean maKe-bELieve reaLity shOw (if i cud call it that!) called 'We Got MaRRieD!' (우리 결혼했어요 )....
yes... i know!!!!... its reallY unbeLIevaBle that sumONe like me wUd have an intErest over soME *eYE-roLLing tiTLed sHOw..... but tRuth be toLd.... i'M toTaLLy taKEn by iT! hahahhahaha =)).. (bLAme the inCreasinG nUMber of cAnDLes gEt bLown eaCH yeAR!) ahaks!

i caME aCross thIS sHOw whILst trYing to re-watCH anDy (of ShiNhWa) and Lee JIns baNjun dRama... anD i haVE beeN on the clOuds.. hehehe... it's noT tHOse cheEzy*sAppY*caLL-it-whAt-u-wanT moMents thaT reAlly tooK me... buT it's reALly tHOse cuTe moMEnts beTweeN anDy and sOlby;).. theY are my fAv coUPle...

buT conTraDictiOn to tHat statEment.. whAT i reaLLy wanTed to sHAre was thIs chEesy*can't-help-buT-love-iT sONg caLLed likE a ChiLD whiCh aLEx seRenades to SHin-Ae duRIng one of thE ePisoDes... alEx can realLy siNG! (noT that i eVer doUbted it!).. huhu;)..

anD like a cHIld.. i deDicate thiS song to eVerYone who is In love...

김동률 - 아이처럼 (Kim DonG RyuL - A-i cHoRom/ Like a CHiLd)

사랑한다 말하고 날 받아줄 때엔
더 이상 나는 바랄게 없다고
자신있게 말해 놓고
자라나는 욕심에 무안해지지만
또 하루 종일 그대의 생각에 난 맘 졸여요

샘이 많아서(아이처럼)
겁이 많아서(바보처럼)
이렇게 나의 곁에서 웃는게 믿어지지 않아서
너무 좋아서 너무 벅차서
눈을 뜨면 다 사라질까봐 잠 못 들어요

주고 싶은데(내 모든걸)
받고 싶은데(그대 맘을)
남들처럼 할 수 있는 건 다 함께 나누고 싶은데
맘이 급해서 속이 좁아서
괜시리 모두 망치게 될까봐 불안해 하죠

웃게 해줘서(아이처럼)
울게 해줘서(바보처럼)
이런 설렘을 평생에
또 한번 느낄 수 있게 해줘서
믿게 해줘서 힘이 돼줘서
눈을 뜨면 처음으로 하는 말
참 고마워요

내게 와줘서
꿈꾸게 해줘서
'우리'라는 선물을 준 그대
나 사랑해요...


i hAven't atteMpted to traNslate this to the kOngLish VersIOn so thAt i cud sINg along to it.... but I may well do so laTer (나중에!)... hehehhe ;)... and perhaps miGHt even try to fiND the fUll tranSlated veRsion of thiS SOng as well and Share it with everYone!;)

here's a liTTle tranSlation of the soNG..

after telling me that u love me...
when you accept meI say to mysELf conFidenTly...
tHat i have nOthing elSe that I neEd....
AlthoUgh I feeL woRRied wiTH my gROwing grEed....
After thiNking aBout you all daY agaIn....
I can'T faLL asLeep....

I have a loT of eNvy....
I have a Lot of Fears...
I can't beLieve thAt rIght noW....
you arE neaR, sMIling at me...
I'm so hAppy...
that it ovErwhELms mE....
I feAr that when i oPen my eYEs....
eVerythINg wiLL diSSappEar....

FoR coMing to ME...
foR beINg my stRengTH....
foR giVIng me the pResenT 'Us'....
i lOvE you...

*suMwhere alOng the sonG i thInk my wall of icE caME cRumbLIng dOWn*

haiL to k-baLLaDs!! hehehhe.. anD thAnks to Alex.. i thInk i can moVe on fROm xiaHs renDitIon of bIg mamA's resIgnatIon to thiS! huhuhuhu ...



p/s: i've jUSt insTalled aNother laNguanGe inpUt inTO my lAptop and am ecStatic aboUT beiNg aBle to tyPe koRean.. hehehe ;)

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