Monday 5 May 2008

-fLoWeR pOt-

its moNday and its the baNk hoLidays heRe in d uk...
i've bEen feEling a liTtLe ouT of it foR a few daYs bUt i dUn knOw why... nwAys.... I waTcheD paTrick damPsEys movie 'maDe of HonOuR' toDay anD can't hElp but pOnder uPon oUr choIces in liFe.... (or maYbe miNe)... ahahhaha... not thAt im in Love wiTh my bEstfrieNd or aNytHing...

moRe or leSs... i aM juSt cuRIous abOut the vaSt maJoRity.. or anYone reaLly... abOut theIr cHoicEs whEn it coMes to diLleMmaS as suCh...

iF u feLl in lOve wiTh ur beStfRIend... aNd he/She waS aBout to gEt maRrIed... do yOu riSk it aLl anD fiGht foR the pErsOn u loVe?? or do yOu inSteAd... leT hIm/hEr gO aNd sILenTly wiSHes tHem a bLisSfuL liFe??

if iT was anOthEr caSe...

iF uR beStfRiend feLl in love wiTh thE gUy uR in loVe wiTh... thEn.. woULd yoU pUt uR frIEndshIp to tHe teSt?? oR woUld yOu gIve up oN d oNe yOu loVe??

wOulD you havE doNe thiNGs diFfeRenTly fRom thE obVioUs chOices??

wHo woUld yOu giVe yoUr prIoriTy to??

huuhuhuh... guEss i've beEn thiNking too muCh!!! nWaYs.. hEre's a vId as an oDe to aLex anD shIn-Ae whO aRe bOth leAving the 'We Got maRrIed' proGraMmE... a loVely soNg caLled fLowEr pOt (vId coURteSy of cOolSmuRf)..;)

wOulD yOu be a fLoWer pOt jUst so U cuD be wiTh the oNe yOu loVe??

NwAys.... thiS epiSode is a liTtle sAd siNce we gEt to see tHe lAst bIT of sHinHwa befOre theY leaVe foR the aRmy... i'lL sUrely be bOred wiThoUt them... *aRghhhh*...

moRe thAn anYthiNg.. iM feEling a lIttLe hoMesIck siNce boTh my paRentS bIrthDay aRe coMing sOon.... *soB*....

mum... dad.... im miSsIng yOu boTh liKe cRazy oVer heRe... *i luV u boTh*... diD i teLl yOu thAt??;)

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