Wednesday 28 May 2008

-we beLong toGether-


i haven't updated this blog in a long whilee... sorry peopLe...;).. my laptop just went and diEd on meeh... *stRessed*... but now its gud as new again... ;)... and i do hope to post more to keeP you entertained.. ahhahaha...
nwayss.... i've oNly just reaLized that the epIk higH viD wasn't the onE i intended to upLoad... that was my mistake *my bad*... the orIginal MV is diffErent... i will attempt to correct it once i've foUnd the vid...
i see that theRe are manY newcoMers to the site.. sooo here I am greeTIng you with a new vid for today... its biG banG's we beLong togEther... hehehee... a pretty laid back soNg... perfecT for me..
my faV is tOp of aLl the biG banG-eRs... hahahaha.. perhapS because he's the easIest to idenTify.. ahahhaa.. but i thiNk i likE deM all.... i've seen theM siNg live... and yes... tHEy rap and siNg soULfully.... alTho yOu haVe to paRdon theiR engRIsh suMtimes... ;)... altHo manY peoPle say tOp looks like kanGin of Suju... i peRsonaLly do Not wanT to thInk so... ahhahahaa... *alTho i can't deNy the reSembLence*... i lIke Top mUch22 moRe thaN kanGin....(sUju's fanS are gonNa kiLl me)... but i thiNk daT kanGin's reaLly a shOw off-sie.. huhu....

big baNg is V.I.P

okay peOple... i've really gotta continue with my liT reView.. hehehe.. i have't done much for the last few dayss... nwayss... enJoY! next on my plaYlist... LaLaLa... ;)

t.O.P 진짜 귀엽다!! ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ .....

여러분... 안녕하세요!!....

오늘을 잠 어때요?

저, 괜찮아요.... biG bang 짱 아니야??

ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ.... ;)

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